
Ausbildung: Diplomsnowboardlehrer und Snowboardführer. Ausbilder beim Tiroler Skilehrer Verband, FWQ & FJT Judge

Snowboarding since: 1995

Homeresort: Lungau, Kitzbühel, Gastein

Hometown: Salzburg

Summerjob: Shaper bei "Delight Alliance Surfboards"

Motivation: blue bird, fresh pow, steep 




Founded in 2017, based in Salzburg. Our main goal is to spread the awareness about Backcountry Safety and Mountains in general. Therefore we are organising Backcountry Safety Camps, but also we talking about important issues in our blog. This is just the beginning lets make the mountains a safer place. Shoot us a mail, if you want to join and help. 

Contact Information

Give us a call


Gerwin Andreas : +43 660 5563866



Ask us a question


Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Banking details:

Gerwin Andreas
Raika Parsch 5020 Salzburg
IBAN: AT40 3500 0000 2601 9745




How to find us

based in Salzburg & Tirol

Post address:

Gerwin Andreas / Hans-Seebach-Str.10 / 5020 / Salzburg

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